NSPCC Online SafetyHelpful advice and tools you can use to help keep your child safe whenever and wherever they go online.
Taking risks in playHuman beings are ‘hardwired’ to take risks, from birth. An increasingly risk averse society is making physically active, playful risk taking ever more difficult for children to practise. We do [children] no favours by preventing them from pushing the boundaries of their physicality.
Challenge and risk in children’s play – Is it worth the Risk?Risky play can be defined as a thrilling and exciting activity that involves a risk of physical injury, and play that provides opportunities for challenge, testing limits, exploring boundaries and learning about injury risk (Sandseter (2007; Little & Wyver, 2008).Feb 25, 2015)
Council for Learning Outside the ClassroomRisk, challenge & adventure Many people believe we are producing a generation of ‘cotton wool kids’, who are missing out on experiences that help to raise their self-esteem, give them confidence and increase motivation.
Action for ChildrenAction for Children supports and speaks for the UK's most vulnerable and neglected children and young people.
BBC BitesizeFun activities to help children at learn more key subjects.
Woodland Trust Nature Detectives! Teaching children outdoors encourages curiosity and stimulates all the senses in a way that indoor learning simply can't do. Education research by King’s College London has found that children who spend time learning in natural environments perform better in academic studies.